National Musical Instruments-

There are known to be more than 50 kinds of Kazakh musical instruments. Each instrument has it’s own unique sound, and it’s own traditional style of play. These musical instruments were made of wood, cane, reeds, leather, bones, horns, and horsehair. Musical instruments are subdivided into the following groups:

String: The Dombra - the most widely used instrument of the people, it is made from the trunk of a tree, and most often has two-strings. There arå two ways of playing the dombra: by plucking or strumming with the hand or fingers, or with the use of a bow.  

Cane and Horn Instruments:

Sybyzgy - Very widespread instrument in the nations life. It is made of cane, wood, and less often from metal, with two wooden rails fastened by a string to the hollow parts.Adyrna - An ancient Kazakh wind instrument. Possesses a strong sound. In olden times it was used during fighting campaigns, and also in days of hunting to attract the attention of birds and animals by simulating their calls.

Kobyz - An ancient Kazakh string instrument. It is made from a tree trunk and has the shape of a ladle.Zhetigen – This musical instrument has an extended rectangular wooden case, and is from a family of instruments with strings made from horsehair. Now it is played as a solo instrument, and also as an accompanying instrument in national orchestras and ensembles. Percussion:

Dangyra – Built from a frame fitted on one side with leather, and with metal suspension brackets attached to the inner surface. Striking the leather created additional sounds from the attached inner metal brackets.Dauylpaz – This instrument has a wooden-backed frame fitted on both sides by leather. Playing is done by beating on the drum with the hand or stick. It was used as a military alarm and also as a “noise-maker” for hunting purposes.Dabyl – Represented by a wooden hoop fitted on both sides with leather. On the side of the rim was a handle or leather thong. The drumbeats were made by the hand or with a wooden stick. Intended for sending signals, it came in various sizes, right up to the biggest which were intended for battle and to make very large sounds.Asatajak – The national Kazak musical instrument. Thought to be for “shamanic initiations.” Made from a wooden staff more than one meter in height. At the top there is a head with metal suspension brackets of various forms. The sounds are created by the elements suspended from the head.

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